Python Snippets
Count all uppercase letters in a file.
with open('./test_text.txt') as fh:
count = sum(1 for c in if c.isupper())
print("The # of capital letters in file", str(count))
Implement a stack with 2 queues
# Implement A Queue using Two Stacks Python
class Queue(object):
def __init__(self):
def enqueue(self,element):
def dequeue(self):
if not self.outstack:
while self.instack:
return self.outstack.pop()
for i in range(10):
for i in xrange(10):
print q.dequeue(),
Check for duplicate files
# # Fastest algorithm - 100x performance increase compared to the
# accepted answer (really :))
# The approaches in the other solutions are very cool, but they forget
# about an important property of duplicate files - they have the same
# file size. Calculating the expensive hash only on files with the same
# size will save tremendous amount of CPU; performance comparisons at
# the end, here's the explanation.
# Iterating on the solid answers given by @nosklo and borrowing the idea
# of @Raffi to have a fast hash of just the beginning of each file, and
# calculating the full one only on collisions in the fast hash, here are
# the steps:
# 1. Buildup a hash table of the files, where the filesize is the
# key.
# 2. For files with the same size, create a hash table with the hash
# of their first 1024 bytes; non-colliding elements are unique
# 3. For files with the same hash on the first 1k bytes, calculate
# the hash on the full contents - files with matching ones are NOT
# unique.
# The code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import hashlib
def chunk_reader(fobj, chunk_size=1024):
"""Generator that reads a file in chunks of bytes"""
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def get_hash(filename, first_chunk_only=False, hash=hashlib.sha1):
hashobj = hash()
file_object = open(filename, 'rb')
if first_chunk_only:
for chunk in chunk_reader(file_object):
hashed = hashobj.digest()
return hashed
def check_for_duplicates(paths, hash=hashlib.sha1):
hashes_by_size = {}
hashes_on_1k = {}
hashes_full = {}
for path in paths:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
# if the target is a symlink (soft one), this will
# dereference it - change the value to the actual target file
full_path = os.path.realpath(full_path)
file_size = os.path.getsize(full_path)
except (OSError,):
# not accessible (permissions, etc) - pass on
duplicate = hashes_by_size.get(file_size)
if duplicate:
hashes_by_size[file_size] = [] # create the list for this file size
# For all files with the same file size, get their hash on the 1st 1024 bytes
for __, files in hashes_by_size.items():
if len(files) < 2:
continue # this file size is unique, no need to spend cpy cycles on it
for filename in files:
small_hash = get_hash(filename, first_chunk_only=True)
except (OSError,):
# the file access might've changed till the exec point got here
duplicate = hashes_on_1k.get(small_hash)
if duplicate:
hashes_on_1k[small_hash] = [] # create the list for this 1k hash
# For all files with the hash on the 1st 1024 bytes, get their hash on the full file - collisions will be duplicates
for __, files in hashes_on_1k.items():
if len(files) < 2:
continue # this hash of fist 1k file bytes is unique, no need to spend cpy cycles on it
for filename in files:
full_hash = get_hash(filename, first_chunk_only=False)
except (OSError,):
# the file access might've changed till the exec point got here
duplicate = hashes_full.get(full_hash)
if duplicate:
print "Duplicate found: %s and %s" % (filename, duplicate)
hashes_full[full_hash] = filename
if sys.argv[1:]:
print "Please pass the paths to check as parameters to the script"
# And, here's the fun part - performance comparisons.
# Baseline -
# * a directory with 1047 files, 32 mp4, 1015 - jpg, total size -
# 5445.998 MiB - i.e. my phone's camera auto upload directory :)
# * small (but fully functional) processor - 1600 BogoMIPS, 1.2 GHz
# 32L1 + 256L2 Kbs cache, /proc/cpuinfo:
> Processor : Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l)
> BogoMIPS : 1599.07
# (i.e. my low-end NAS :), running Python 2.7.11.
# So, the output of @nosklo's very handy solution:
root@NAS:InstantUpload# time ~/scripts/
Read JSON file
# Then you can use your code:
import json
from pprint import pprint
with open('data.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
# With data, you can now also find values like so:
Return nth Fibonacci sequence
# Fibonacci numbers, with an one-liner in Python 3?
from functools import reduce
fib = lambda n:reduce(lambda x,n:[x[1],x[0]+x[1]], range(n),[0,1])[0]
# (this maintains a tuple mapped from [a,b] to [b,a+b], initialized to
# [0,1], iterated N times, then takes the first tuple element)
# (note that in this numbering, fib(0) = 0, fib(1) = 1, fib(2) = 1,
# fib(3) = 2, etc.)
# (also note: reduce is a builtin in Python 2.7 but not in Python 3;
# you'd need to execute from functools import reduce in Python 3.)
Minimum Window Substring
# find Minimum Window Substring
# Assume that String S and T only contains A-Z characters (26
# characters)
# * First, create an array count, which store the frequency of each
# characters in T.
# * Process each character in S, maintaining a window l, r, which
# will be the current minimum window that contains all characters in T.
# * We maintain an array cur to store the current frequency of
# characters in window. If the frequency of the character at the left
# end of the window is greater than needed frequency, we increase l
# Sample Code:
int[]count = new int[26];
for(int i = 0; i < T.length; i++)
count[T[i] - 'A']++;
int need = 0;//Number of unique characters in T
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if(count[i] > 0)
int l = 0, r = 0;
int count = 0;
int result ;
int[]cur = new int[26];
for(int i = 0; i < S.length; i++){
cur[S[i] - 'A']++;
r = i;
if(cur[S[i] - 'A'] == count[S[i] - `A`]){
//Update the start of the window,
while(cur[S[l] - 'A'] > count[S[l] - 'A']){
cur[S[l] - 'A']--;
if(count == need)
result = min(result, r - l + 1);
# Each character in S will be processed at most two times, which give us
# O(n) complexity.
Rainwater Problem
# Calculate trapped water in a structure
# This can be solved in linear time with linear memory requirements in
# the following way:
def answer(heights):
minLeft = [0] * len(heights)
left = 0
for idx, h in enumerate(heights):
if left < h:
left = h
minLeft[idx] = left
minRight = [0] * len(heights)
right = 0
for idx, h in enumerate(heights[::-1]):
if right < h:
right = h
minRight[len(heights) - 1 - idx] = right
water = 0
for h, l, r in zip(heights, minLeft, minRight):
water += min([l, r]) - h
return water
# The arrays minLeft and minRight contain the highest level at which
# water can be supported at a place in the array if there was a wall of
# infinite size on the right or left side respectively. Then at each
# index, total water that can be contained is the minimum of the water
# levels supported by the left and the right side - height of the floor.
# This question deals with this problem in higher dimension (relating it
# to the Watershed problem in image processing):
# trapped-rain-water-in-3d
House Robber Problem
# Issue with memoization - House Robber problem
# Your approach for memoization won't work because when you reach some
# index i, if you've already computed some result for i, your algorithm
# fails to consider the fact that there might be a better result
# available by robbing a more optimal set of houses in the left portion
# of the array.
# The solution to this dilemma is to avoid passing the running value
# (money you've robbed) downward through the recursive calls from
# parents to children. The idea is to compute sub-problem results
# without any input from ancestor nodes, then build the larger solutions
# from the smaller ones on the way back up the call stack.
# Memoization of index i will then work because a given index i will
# always have a unique set of subproblems whose solutions will not be
# corrupted by choices from ancestors in the left portion of the array.
# This preserves the optimal substructure that's necessary for DP to
# work.
# Additionally, I recommend avoiding global variables in favor of
# passing your data directly into the function.
def maximize_robberies(houses, memo, i=0):
if i in memo:
return memo[i]
elif i >= len(houses):
return 0
memo[i] = max(
houses[i] + maximize_robberies(houses, memo, i + 2),
maximize_robberies(houses, memo, i + 1)
return memo[i]
print(maximize_robberies([1, 2, 1, 1], {}))
URL shortener example
def generate_random_slug():
global current_random_slug_id
while True:
slug = base_conversion(current_random_slug_id, base_62_alphabet)
current_random_slug_id += 1
# Make sure the slug isn't already used
existing = DB.get({'slug': slug})
if not existing:
return slug
## Using the actual package
from bitlyshortener import Shortener
tokens_pool = ['bitly_general_access_token'] # Use your own.
shortener = Shortener(tokens=tokens_pool, max_cache_size=128)
@usr_account.route("/account/createtable", methods=["POST"])
def account_createtable():
form = CreateTableForm(request.form)
if form.validate():
tableid = DB.add_table(, current_user.get_id())
new_urls = [f'{config.base_url}newrequest/{tableid}']
short_url = shortener.shorten_urls(new_urls)[0]
DB.update_table(tableid, short_url)
return redirect(url_for('account.account'))
return render_template("account.html", createtableform=form, tables=DB.get_tables(current_user.get_id()))
Multiple Hash Function
# ## Consider using dataclasses
# For most objects you write __hash__ functions for, you actually want
# to be using a dataclass generated class
# (
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union
class Foo:
a: Union[int, str]
b: Union[int, str]
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