Plan to spend more time with it as SourceKit-LSP matures. Xcode is garbage compared to VS Code.
SwiftSyntax - Set of Swift bindings for the libSyntax library. It allows for Swift tools to parse, inspect, generate, and transform Swift source code..
Komondor - Git Hooks for Swift projects.
Tuist - Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale.
Ether - Command-Line Interface for the Swift Package Manager.
SwiftRewriter - Swift code formatter using SwiftSyntax.
SwiftHub - Github iOS client written in RxSwift and MVVM clean architecture.
Swift Debugger and REPL - Version of LLDB that supports the Swift programming language & REPL.
danger-swift - Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review in Swift.
swift-sh - Swift scripting with easy, zero-conf dependency imports.
SwiftTube - iOS conference videos in one place.
What’s new in Swift 5.0? - Xcode playground that demonstrates the new features introduced in Swift 5.0
Periphery - Eliminate unused Swift code.
swift-docker - Docker Official Image packaging for Swift.
Last updated
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