Emacs is an interesting editor that I haven't checked out still.
This paints a pretty interesting picture of what Emacs really is. It is a programmable user interface with which you can do many things. One of these things is editing text.
Might give it a go sometime.
general.el - Convenient key definitions in emacs.
Emacs Live - Opinionated set of defaults for getting started with a specific focus on live coding with Overtone and Quil.
Emacs Evil Guide - Addresses questions vim users might have when first using emacs with evil.
Ohai emacs - Finest hand crafted artisanal emacs.d for your editing pleasure.
doom-emacs - Emacs configuration for the stubborn martian vimmer.
Proof General - Generic Emacs interface for proof assistants.
Modalka - Easily introduce native modal editing of your own design.
Elsa - Emacs Lisp Static Analyser.
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